
This blog is a space to talk about Islam and Islamic Character.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

How Hard Can It Be?

The Marriage Challenge for Single Muslim Career Women Over 25
By Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine

My husband and I recently tried to match-make a couple of our friends. Omar began telling his friend about a really nice woman we knew at 33, successful, beautiful. His first response was, "So, what's wrong with her? Why is she 33 and not married?" Looking at the 30-year-old man before me, my first thought was, "I could ask you the same thing." However, the reality set in that there's a double standard when it comes to the issue of age and marriage.

Many Muslim women are successful lawyers, doctors, professors and journalists. They are outspoken and active in their Muslim and non-Muslim communities. They are intelligent and beautiful, and they are unmarried. The same women who are ambitious and focused on their academic and professional success are finding it difficult to find a suitable spouse.

Twenty years ago, as young Muslim boys and girls were being raised in the U.S., they were encouraged to excel academically and professionally. Parents placed a huge emphasis on education and hard work for both boys and girls. And apparently, they were taken seriously. Girls excelled and never felt they could not attain an education or a profession. They worked hard and succeeded as their parents had encouraged all those years. Now, these same women are in their twenties and thirties and the same parents are now pressuring them to get married.
Are women to blame for being ambitious and educated? Apparently so. Women seem to be penalized for their ambition. Once a young woman passes the age of 25 and remains single, she is considered "old" and often finds it difficult to find a suitable spouse.

Suddenly, others tell her that she has become too picky and her expectations of a husband are unrealistic and that she should hurry up and get married already. "There are some of us who went to college and are successful in our careers and we are not on a search and destroy mission to get married," says Suhad Obeidi, a 39-year-old former banking manager with an M.B.A. The reality is that Muslim women have worked hard for their education and careers and they will not give it all up in order to get married.

In recent decades, men have also become highly educated and progressive, and have even fought for women's rights and the elevation of women in Islam. However, while these men are impressed with a successful and active woman, they do not consider her "marriage material." Despite the elevation of women, many men have maintained traditional ideas as to the type of wife they seek. After all, they do not see anything wrong with the way their mother was.

Consciously or subconsciously, many men seek a wife who will fulfill the traditional role of a wife and mother and one who will maintain a traditional home life. She should be educated, but she should also be willing to put her education and career on a shelf while raising a family. These women in their late twenties and early thirties appear too established in their career and lifestyle and therefore, more difficult to marry because they will not fall into this traditional role.
Many American Muslim women want to be wives and mothers while at the same time be respected for their profession. "One big problem is that, rather than embrace her ambition and success, men simply tolerate it and expect something in return," says Nagwa Ibrahim, a 25-year-old activist seeking a career as a human and civil rights lawyer.

Current expectations of marriage have changed for women and become more aligned with the examples of women during Prophet Muhammad's lifetime. The Prophet's first wife, Khadija, was an established career woman who was 15 years older than her husband. Khadija was a very confident and successful woman who actually proposed to the 24-year-old Muhammad. Yet, the Prophet was not intimidated by her nor found her "unmarriageable."

They maintained a strong marriage as she continued to be a businesswoman, as well as wife and mother. Prophet Muhammad and Khadija were married for 28 years, the longest of all his marriages. The year that Khadija died was also referred to as the Year of Mourning by Prophet Muhammad.

Many Muslim women seek not to compete with men, but rather to establish a partnership with their spouse. Ultimately, these women want to be cherished and loved in the same way that the Prophet loved Khadija. This type of partnership in marriage can only exist when both people are accepting and respectful of one another's ambitions and priorities in life.

Nagwa Ibrahim feels that men have succumbed to negative cultural stereotypes that are contrary to Islam when selecting a spouse. "We (Muslim women) are the way we are because we are trying to be good Muslims," she says.

Thus, a partnership in marriage can only be developed when men and women really follow the principles of Islam and learn to communicate their expectations of marriage as well as be understanding of one another.

Communication is vital to any successful marriage, but now more than ever, women must feel comfortable in expressing their expectations of marriage to a potential spouse and in return feel that they are being understood, respected and encouraged.

This evolution will happen once we see more modern examples of successful Muslim men and women getting married and further benefiting society by their union. Educated Muslim men and woman will only improve our Muslim communities by expecting the best from everyone, be they men or woman.

Beginning in the homes, parents need to nurture their children by encouraging them that they can have both worlds and that they can be successful in their career and marriage. Muslim women can have a huge impact on the future by modeling the multi-faceted woman of Islam to their children.

Therefore, when their daughters grow up, they will aspire to be women of excellence and ambition. Additionally, when their sons become men, their expectations and views of a suitable wife will include a partnership with an intelligent and successful Muslim woman. With further education and communication, men and women can understand and respect one another's roles in society and in the home, which will ultimately benefit future generations of Muslims.

Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine is the author of Before the Wedding: 150 Questions for Muslims to Ask Before Getting Married.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Salatul Hajja - The Prayer of Need

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, and all blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, his Folk, Companions and all of those who follow their noble way.

Abullah ibn Abi Awfa (Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Whoever has a need with Allah, or with any human being, then let them perform ritual ablutions well and then pray two rakats. After that, let them praise Allah and send blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). After this, let them say,

لا إِلَهَ إِلا اللَّهُ الْحَلِيمُ الْكَرِيمُ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين أَسْأَلُكَ مُوجِبَاتِ رَحْمَتِكَ وَعَزَائِمَ مَغْفِرَتِكَ وَالْغَنِيمَةَ مِنْ كُلِّ بِرٍّ وَالسَّلامَةَ مِنْ كُلّإِثْمٍ لا تَدَعْ لِي ذَنْبًا إِلا غَفَرْتَهُ وَلا هَمًّا إِلا فَرَّجْتَهُ وَلا حَاجَةً هِيَ لَكَ رِضًا إِلا قَضَيْتَهَا يَا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ

There there no god but Allah the Clement and Wise. There is no god but Allah the High and Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremendous Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most Merciful!”
[Related by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja. The hadith has some weakness, but it is slight: such hadiths are acted upon for virtuous deeds (fada’il al-a`mal) by general agreement of Sunni scholarship]

The prayer of need is very simple: It is essentially to raise one's need to Allah Most High, by performing ritual ablution (wudu), praying 2 rakats (or four), and then making whole-hearted dua to Allah. If one uses the abovementioned Prophetic supplication, or other similar supplications transmitted from the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), it is best. [Ibrahim al-Halabi, Sharh Munyat al-Musalli; al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya; Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]

The inward manners of supplication is exhibiting our neediness and absolute slavehood to Allah, consigning one's matters to Allah, and knowing that the only one who gives or benefits is Allah Most High. With this, one should be certain that Allah Most High answers our duas, but in the way He knows is best for us.

When circumstances do not permit us to pray 2 rakats, one should still turn to Allah in supplication, raising one’s needs to Him, for He answers our supplications and loves being asked.
And Allah alone gives success.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Rights of Children

Dr Abd Al-Razzaq Hussein's Islam And Children
Adapted by Sumayyah Bint Joan

There are very few things in life which produce as much joy and excitement, along with equally as much fear and anxiety, as the news of the arrival of your first child. With this news, couples happily begin to contemplate their new baby's sex, start picking out names, and the spare room that used to be the den is quickly transformed with gallons of blue or pink paint and all things cute and cuddly. During this time, couples reassess their lives and try to answer what they feel are the most relevant questions: Will the mother keep working after the baby is born? Will she breastfeed or use a bottle? Is there enough savings to adequately provide for another person? The questions that very few of us ask however, are often the most compelling.

What rights does this child have on us as parents? What responsibilities has Allah placed on us by putting this child in our care? These are all questions that we as Muslim parents, or parents-to-be, must not only ask ourselves, but we must also be thoroughly familiar with the answers, if we are to rear a generation of Muslims who are better than ourselves. One might ask where and when does a child's rights begin? Well, according to the Prophet, sallallaahu alaye wa sallam, it begins before the beginning. The Prophet cautioned us and called upon us to be careful in our choice for spouses. He is reported to have said, "Make a good choice for (your) spouse, for blood will tell." (Ibn Majah) This highlights the effect of heredity on the infant. It is therefore the right of the child to have parents who are loving and of noble and righteous character. After conception, the rights that Allah has prescribed for unborn children, in the Islamic Law, then take effect.

Rights of the Unborn
In the United States where human, civil and moral rights are debated hourly, the rights of the unborn are often neglected and ignored. In the past 25 years since the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade, more than 35 million unborn children have been slaughtered in the industry's abortion mills. In an authentic hadeeth, the Prophet, Sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, told us that human life begins after 120 days from conception. It is human life that is being extinguished, not some meaningless blob of tissue. The rights of the unborn in Islamic Law protects the unborn from the ignorant, misguided and those ungrateful of their Lord's bounties.
Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, describes the persons who kill their children, prior or after their birth, as lost, misguided and ignorant, "Indeed lost are they who have killed their children, from folly without knowledge and have forbidden that which Allah has provided for them, inventing a lie against Allah. They have indeed gone astray and were not guided." (6:140) This is a clear prohibition against aborting the unborn. The person who aborts a child is punishable by paying diyah reparation, known as algharrah. Based on person's understanding and assessment, some may accept varied reasons for aborting the unborn. However, Allah the All-Mighty has decreed, with His prior Knowledge, the right of the infant for sustenance and He guaranteed such rights. As a result, He soothes the hearts of those who may fear poverty, "Andkill not your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin." (17:31) The father should also do everything in his power to preserve the life of the unborn child, Allah says, "And if they are pregnant, then spend on them till they deliver." (65:6)
The father is responsible for providing for the women that bears and delivers his child. This may provide more incentive for the mother to take the utmost care. "The father of the child shall bear the cost of the mother's food and clothing on a reasonable basis." (2:233).

However, it does not stop here, Islamic Law further commands the guardian to take into consideration the condition of the pregnant woman, her affairs and mental frame of mind. Doing well to the expectant woman is mandatory, even if the mother had committed a crime or an offense against society. Her guardian should delay her punishment so that the unborn will not be affected by it. The evidence used here is the order given by the Prophet to the guardian of the woman, who had committed adultery and was pregnant, to be kind with her. (Ibn Majah) The story of Al-Ghamediyyah is popular and well known. It was narrated that a woman from the tribe of Ghaamed came to the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, and said, "I have committed adultery," He said, "Return," so she went back. The following day she came back to him and said, "You may want me to return as you did with Maa'iz Bin Malik, but by Allah, I am pregnant!" He told her, "Return until you deliver," so she left. When she had delivered, she brought the baby to the Prophet and said, "Here I am with what I have delivered." He said, "Return and breastfeed him until fitaam (weaning or the end of the nursing period and beginning of eating regular food)." When the time of fitaam came, she went to the Prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam with the child, who was eating something from his hand. The Prophet sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam then gave the child to one of the Muslim men. He commanded a hole to be made for her and then ordered that she be stoned. (Abu Dawoud) It is clear from this hadeeth how careful and concerned Islam is about the life of the infant and the need for giving the infant his complete rights, such that he may be capable of depending on himself even if he came to this life through illegitimate means. The manner of the child's birth is not his sin, "And no soul shall bear the sin of another." (35:18) No matter how a child comes into the world, all of his rights, including rights for sustenance remain valid under Islamic Law.

Nurturing the Newborn
For women in the West, the means of providing sustenance for their newborns has been heatedly debated for many years. The investigation into breastfeeding over bottle-feeding however, has yielded some new information lately. Recent studies have shown that breastfed babies are healthier, develop more quickly and are smarter on the average, than babies who are bottle-fed. Under Islamic Law, Allah Has made breastfeeding an established right of the child, whether his mother or someone else provides it. The noble verses that have guaranteed this right to the infant also guaranteed the rights of all parties involved so that none will be harmed.

The breastfeeding process has different sides to be considered:
1. The rights of the child:
Islam has prescribed breast-feeding and commanded that children be breastfed until they attain their full power and strength, for breastfeeding has a great impact on the growth and development of the child. Allah, has told us about the required time period for breastfeeding. He says, "The mothers shall give such to their children for two whole years." (2:233) "And the bearing of him and the weaning of him is thirty months." (46:15)

2. The rights of the mother:
If the mother is not divorced, she should breastfeed her child as a religious obligation and not because she is the natural mother. If she is divorced then nursing is dealt with as nafaqah (financial support). This is established within the shari'ah. The nafaqah of the child is the responsibility of the father. The father has to give the mother compensation for her nursing. If she refuses to nurse then it becomes incumbent upon the father to find and hire a wet-nurse for the child. However, scholars have made it mandatory upon the mother to nurse her child if the child refuses to be nursed by other than his mother or if the father doesn't have sufficient funds to hire a wet-nurse. The Qur'an has satisfactorily detailed the rights of nursing for us, "The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling, but the father of the child shall bear the cost of the mother's food and clothing on a reasonable basis. No person shall have a burden laid on him greater than he can bear. No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child, or father on account of his child. And on the (father's) heir is incumbent the like of that (which was incumbent on the father). If they both decide on weaning by mutual consent and after due consultation, there is no sin on them. And if you decide on a wet-nurse for your children, there is no sin on you, provided you pay what you agreed on a reasonable basis. And fear Allah and know that Allah is All-Seer or what you do." (2:223) "And if they are pregnant, then spend on them till they deliver. Then if they give suck to the children for you, give them their due payment and let each of you accept the advice of the other in a just way. But if you make difficulties for one another, then some other woman may give suck for him." (65:6)

3. The rights of others:
The wet-nurse has rights as well, for there are relationships established as a result of the child being nursed by her. Aisha said that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The effect of nursing is like giving birth in regards to relationships such as marriage, etc." (Al-Mughni).

General rights
Another fundamental right of children under Islamic Law, is the giving of good names, Man-made laws have not given much consideration to this matter, almost as if it is considered insignificant. Islam, on the other hand, has intervened in naming the child and encourages parents to choose good names for their children. Islam recognizes that the name has an effect on the person since it is associated with him throughout his life and after his death. Additionally, his children and descendants will carry the name. It has become common to see and hear about numerous cases where people apply to the courts to change their proper names (i.e., first names) or surnames (i.e., last names) because of an inherent dissatisfaction with these names or an embarrassment to be associated with a particular name. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, has told us to select good names. He is reported to have said, "You'll be called on the Day of Resurrection by your names and your father's names, so choose good names for yourselves." (Abu-Dawud) He also told us about some of the best names, "The dearest names to Allah are Abdullah and Abdur-Rahman." (Muslim) Abu-Musa said, "I was blessed with a son so I brought him to the Prophet and he named him Ibrahim." (Bukhari).

The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, also used to change some names for better ones. He changed, for example, Harb (war) to Silm (peace), an area called Afirah (dirty) to Khadhihra (green) amongst many others. (Abu Dawud) Nicknaming a child is also known and accepted within Islam. By doing this, they are not thought of as small and weak since they have nicknames just like adults. Anas narrated that, "The Prophet was the best amongst people in conduct and manners. I had a brother called Abu-Umair and he was weaned at that time. When the Prophet would see him, he used to say, 'Abu-Umair what has done the nughair (an Arabian bird)?" (Muslim) This hadeeth indicates not only the permissibility of nicknaming children, but also of playing and joking with them. Apart from having a home that is full of love and acceptance, children need and have the right to be from all kinds of harm, no matter where it comes from. Many of us may feel that we provide adequate protection for our children by living in nice neighbourhoods and sending them to 'good' schools, yet we continually expose them to the dangers, violence and filth that the TV offer. In a February 1996 Media Research Center study which analyzed shows from a four-week period in the fall of 1995, they found 72 obscenities in 117 hours of 8-to-9 p.m. programming. Moreover, portrayals of sex outside of marriage, - premarital, extramarital and homosexual - outnumbered those of sex within it by 8 to 1. By willingly exposing our children to this, we fail to protect their minds, hearts and souls from the seduction and glamour of evil. Islam commands us to protect the lives of children, whether Muslims or not.

Islam prohibits the killing of women and children. Ibn Umar narrated that a woman was found killed in one of the battles during the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, so the Prophet prohibited the killing of women and children. (Bukhari) The prohibition of killing the children is also shown in the story of the Prophet's companion Khabib Bin Adiy when he got captured by Bannu Al-Harith, on the battle of the Day of Ar-Raji'a and they decided to kill him in place of Al-Harith, whom he killed, in the battle of Badr. He was imprisoned at Al-Harith's house. And when he asked the woman of the house for a razor to make Istihdad (shaving the pubic area). The woman said, "I was not paying attention when suddenly one of my children approached him and sat on his thigh." When I saw that, I was terrified, and he saw that in me. So he said, "Do you fear that I would kill him? I would not do such a thing." (Bukhari) This noble stance and other references reveal how Muslims and Islam are very concerned with the preservation of the life of children as well as being merciful and kind to them.

Additionally, Islam has organised the process of protecting foundlings from loss and going astray. Islam has made it mandatory upon the person who finds the foundling to shelter and protect it. If a child is found in a place where he may die if he stays there, then the person who finds him and leaves him unprotected will be held accountable and tried for murder. The finder is entitled to the right to keep the foundling more than others as long as he doesn't abuse him. If money is found with the child, then it can be spent on the child with permission from a judge. The finder has the right to the child's money unless someone else claims the possession of the money. If there is no one capable of sponsoring the foundling, then the government is responsible for doing so.

In these days of test-tube babies and children of fathers known by numbers, instead of names, ultimately these children are left asking the questions; where do I come from and who is my family. Under Islamic Law, it is the specified right of every child to know the answers to these questions.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Story

Sumayyah Bint Joan
'My Dream Came True' -- Published in 1999
Angelene McLaren is a journalist who works for a Wisconsin(USA)-based Islamic magazine while living in Detroit. A prolific writer and PR woman, Angelene has worked for various magazines and PR firms in the US during the last one decade. She recited the Kalima some six years ago and took the new name Sumayyah bint Joan. Here she records her encounter with Islam.

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always had a profound relationship with God. Even though I was raised a Catholic, with all its ambiguities, contradictions and confusion, I did my best to stay God-focused and not to give in to the teachings of the Church, because even to me as a child, they seemed to go against the grain somehow. During my high school days, I made a conscious decision to apply myself more thoroughly to my faith. I attended mass twice a day, every day, went to the confessional at least once a week, and did all the ritual practices my priest insisted upon; all in an effort to draw closer to a God. The church failed to me to answer all of life’s most pressing questions; who am I, who and what is God, why am I here, and what should be my relationship with this superior being who created the universe? How am I supposed to live my life? Who is my role model, and how should I follow him or her? Why does God need to have a son now, when He was alone in the creation of all that is, and need no partner or intercessor before? My priest was unable to answer my questions, beyond stating that I should have faith, and that it did not all have to make sense as long as my faith was strong enough. This did not satisfy me, and on finishing high school, I left the church and set out on a quest to find the correct way, belief and religion.

I investigated a number of religions in an effort to get rid of this internal emptiness. I practiced Hinduism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and in later years even dabbled in White Witchcraft. Now, most people may find this crazy, but you have to understand that I was searching, truly searching, but all these left a void, and just never seemed to fit. Then one day my sister came to see me and what I saw took me by surprise. She entered the house with a very long dress and was covered from head to toe. Her hair was covered by an opaque scarf and came over her breasts to right above her waist. After asking her why she was dressed like that in the middle of summer when it’s at least 85 degrees outside, she explained to me that she was a Muslim.
Now of all the religions I looked into, I never thought of investigating Islam, mainly because there didn’t seem to be a lot of information readily available, and because I carried a lot of the Islamic stereotypes in my head, that I now have to deal with in other people. So I left my family and moved to California, still without a religion, or a sound relationship with God.

In the beginning a lot of stereotypes about Islam kept me from studying about this religion.
At that point I gave up, and just decided to go with flow, and not worry about it. I did this for two years, and although I found love and got engaged to marry to my college sweetheart; something was still missing. In the back of my mind, there was always that nagging voice that kept telling me that my life was out of order, but I would do my best to ignore it, until one fateful night. Right before I was due to leave California, and return to my home state to be with my fiancee and begin building our lives together, I had the scariest dream I’ve ever had in my life.

In this dream, two very tall men dressed in white were standing at the foot of my bed. As I looked at them, I thought they were either aliens or angels, I wasn’t sure which, but I was very afraid and was trying my utmost to get away from them, but the harder I tried to get away, the closer to them I got. Eventually, we ended up on top of a very high mountain, with a sea beneath us as red as blood and as hot as lava. The two men pointed and instructed me to look into the sea. What I saw will stay with me until the day I die. The sea was full of naked people, being turned over and over, like meat being roasted over a fire, and they were screaming, “Help us, help us!” Needless to say, I felt I was getting a fist-hand glimpse of Hell, and I was terrified. I told my fiancee about the dream, and he just laughed and said that I had an overactive imagination, but I couldn’t dismiss it so easily.

When I returned to Michigan, I found out that my other sister, and my cousin had also embraced Islam during my absence. This made me curious, so I asked my sister to give me some books to read, and one of the first was, Descriptions of the Hell Fire. Everything that was in my dream was in this book. I was floored. So I began reading and reading, and going to lectures and asking questions, and the more I learned about Islam, the more my head and heart told me that this was what I was looking or all along. I had made up my mind to embrace Islam, but I had one small problem, my fiancee. He was adamant that he was not going to be a Muslim, so I had to choose between the man I loved, and doing what I knew in my heart was right.

Allah, SWT, says that if you say you truly believe in Him and His Messenger, (peace be upon him), He will test you, and this was my test. Despite the great amount of pain it caused me at the time, I did choose Islam over my fiancee. Allah says for all who truly want guidance, He will lead them from darkness into light; and I know that is what He did for me.

Sumayyah replied to questions from Islamic Voice in an e-mail interview Excerpts:

Your family background
My family is from the island of Jamaica, and they immigrated to the US when I was six. My father, unhappy with the corruption of American society, sent us back to Jamaica to attend school, and I spent the school years there, and our holidays in America.


I attended elementary school and high school in Jamaica. I then went on to the University of Michigan, where I studied Mass Communications. I am currently working towards my Masters in Mass Communications and Journalism. I also hold professional diplomas in Print Journalism, Broadcast Journalism, Photojournalism, Community and Media Relations, Electronic News Gathering and Newspaper Layout and Design.

Family’s reaction to your reversion to Islam

I was the third of my mother’s children to accept Islam, and although she was surprised, she did not treat me with any animosity, she felt as long as I was happy, she was happy.

The books that had major impact on you

I read many books before accepting Islam, and I had carried a copy of the Qur’an for about six years with me before I actually decided to sit down and read it. The Qur’an, the True Religion by Abu Ameenah, The Description of the Hellfire, The Description of the Paradise, and a slew of books by Ahmad Deedat.

How about your Dawah work?

My dawah efforts have been concentrated on the writings that I do for Islamic magazines like Islamic Voice and Al Jumuah magazine. I feel comfortable doing dawah that way and will continue to do so, insha’ Allah.

Common stereotypes that you encountered

The most common stereotypes that I have to deal with, is the myth that because I wear full hijab, I am not educated, I am unsophisticated and I am oppressed. I hate this. But when I speak to people, and they find that I can string together a coherent sentence, they are at first surprised, but then they see the error of their ways. A lot of the problems, is because we Muslims have allowed outside forces to define who we are. Until we take the microphone and start telling people about Islam and the Muslims, they will always carry around the wrong ideas, based only on ignorance.

Prospects for Islam in America

America needs Islam. This country is so a-moral, that it boggles the mind, but the people are searching. The problem is that the majority of the Muslims who are here, are here for the dunya, and not for dawah, so you’ll see the Muslims acting just like the disbelievers. So until the Muslims start loving Islam and come to grips with their responsibility to the rest of the mankind, things will only get worse. But despite our lackadaisical attitudes, Islam is growing here at a tremendous rate, and it shows no sign of slowing down.

Women In Dawah

Women in Dawahby Abdul Lateef M. Al-Hassan and Sumayyah Bint Joan, al-Jumu'ah Magazine

From the very beginning, women have played vital roles in the propagation of the fundamental truths of Islamic da'wah. From the sacrifices of Sumayyah, to the collected Ahadeeth of Aisha, women have been instrumental in the flourishing and spreading of this deen. Unfortunately during these times, the Islamic revival suffers from weaknesses in its properly qualified personnel, which limits its spreading and restricts the da'wah work to an elitist group of activists, with finite and limited efforts of da'wah and tarbiyah being focused on women.

Da'wah amongst women deserves, and should get, far more attention than it does. So far, except in a few instances, women have been distanced from the field of da'wah work. If we look at the reality, and the situation of Islamicda'wah work, and the position of women in it today, we can easily find the following problems:

1- Deficiency in da'wah capabilities among and by women.
2- The ill use of existing limited-resources in combination with a lack of personal initiative on the part of women.
3- A neglect or omission of women's issues in the planning of Islamic da'wah.
4- Absence of strong tarbiyah and the lack of fundamental Islamic knowledge in the da'iyat (female callers) in the field of da'wah. Only a few of the wives and daughters of dou'at (male callers) have any worthwhile Islamic knowledge.
5- Most women do not possess a proper understanding the role of da'wah made incumbent on their husbands. Because of this, they may not understand the importance of time given to projects outside the home, which in turn may, become a source of tension within the home.
6- The level of general Islamic knowledge among most women is low.
7- Women's da'wah programs, as well as overall da'wah programs and institutions are rare, and not well organized.


Many obstacles and restraints have been the causes behind the weakness and neglect of da'wah work amongst women. One they have been recognized and analyzed, viable solutions can be sought and implemented.

One major reason, is that many men are not convinced about the importance of women's role and responsibilities in the field of da'wah. The Qur'anic verse "...remain at your homes..." [33:33] has been misinterpreted by many, and sohas the right of stewardship or Qawama. In many instances we see men objecting to women's participation in da'wah and thus preventing them from fulfilling their role toward their fellow Muslims and to the larger society in general. Spreading Islam has been made incumbent on all Muslims, men and women.
"It is vital that husbands encourage their wives to participate in da'wah work," said Dr. Aisha Hamdan, Director of the Islamic Education Foundation, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology with a specialty in child and family issues. She teaches at a private university in the Twin Cities. The IEF is a two-year-old organization, with one of its goals being, to increase the level of awareness and to provide training in giving da'wah, amongst Muslim women and men. "They should encourage them to spread the message of this deen, perhaps by taking them along when they go out, and by instructing them on the proper ways of giving presentations about Islam."

A more particular reason is the absence or confusion of priorities in the minds of dou'at. Many of them have been overwhelmed and distracted by thestate of the Ummah, even to the extent of ignoring to give proper attention to their homes and families. Their energies having been exhausted in the work outside the home, leaving them with nothing left for their families. Thisimbalance hurts not only the families, but also the community as a whole.

The level of women's education and awareness of their position and responsibility plays an important role. As education and awareness decline, women become disinterested, their level of giving and sense of sacrifice weakens. "Unfortunately, not a lot of Muslim women feel that they know enough about Islam to share it with others. They need to realize that it is their responsibility to obtain that knowledge and then share it with others. Many women also feel uncomfortable presenting to groups of people due to various reasons." Dr. Hamdan said. "This is why we are conducting training sessions here, about how to conduct da'wah. We are committed to trying to arm women with the necessary skills, that will give them the confidence to take up this very important, and often neglected role in their lives as Muslims."

Indulgence in luxuries, even if they are halal things, usually force women to devote more time to them and less time to doing da'wah. This also happens when they find it difficult to balance rights with duties. Sometimes women lose perspective, forgetting that the work inside the home is the core of their mission. By neglecting this role, or when they fail to arrange their priorities, and get tied to a job that distracts them, they ultimately fail at fulfilling their da'wah roles both inside and outside the home. "For many women, their jobs as wife, mother, cook, and teacher, inside their homes, are so time consuming, that the main barrier to engaging in da'wah work isoftentimes, a lack of time itself," said Dr. Hamdan. "This is why it is so important for husbands to be supportive to their wives in fulfilling their obligations both within and outside the home."
Another unfortunate reality is that most da'wah organizations have failed to absorb and utilize the energies of women, and have also failed to adjust their plans and programs in a way that would incorporate women as core assetsin their da'wah work.

The media, and many other elements of the promiscuous society we live in, have had major impacts on the psyche of Muslim women. This psychic crippling has kept many women away from their mission and distorted the image of Islamin the minds of most of them.

A Desired ROLE for the MUSLIM WOMEN

A Crucial Role:
According to recent data, there are more women accepting Islam in this country, than any other group. The same can be said of Canada, England and many other places. A recent survey Al Jumuah magazine have conducted in the Dominican Republic, showed that about 75% of those who accepted Islam among the natives were women. Because of this, there is a tremendous need for Muslim women to participate in the field of da'wah. " The role of calling to this deen, does not stop at the pronunciation of the Shahada," Dr. Hamdansaid. "Women are needed to help other women come to Islam, and are needed to instruct them after they become Muslims."

The reasons women's participationis important are various and diverse:

1. Women are more capable than men are in communicating with other women. Women are usually more affected by word, deed, and conduct of other women, more so than by men. Women are more capable of recognizing the particularities and problems associated with women's education and tarbiyah.
2. Women can better comprehend the direction in which women's da'wah workshould be geared. They can best discern the order of priorities, because they are more familiar with this sphere.
3. Women are more free than men in communicating with other women, either individually for da'wah activities, or in women's learning and other forums and places of meeting.
4. Many Muslim women who are in need of guidance, education, and direction lack the presence of men-folk who can provide this service, therefore it makes sense that qualified women in the community should offer this.
5. The educational and the tarbiyah need of women are greater than that of men. They get pregnant, give birth, and nurse children. The children are more tied to them than they are to their fathers. Women stay at home with their sons and daughters, and thus can bring them up as they please. If they are not allowed to share in the da'wah efforts of their husbands, a lot of the much-needed results may not be attained.
6. Women have a great effect on their husbands. If they have strong emaan and character, they have a very good chance at helping their husbands become strong as well.7. Women have a lot of characteristics that stress the importance of their da'wah role. They should also be taken into account whenever any da'wah work is planned. Some are:

* Women have the innate ability to communicate strongly what they believe to be true in their hearts. Dr. Hamdan also points out that, "Women are also generally stronger in terms of verbal abilities and emotionality."
* Women sometimes lack will power and a sense of direction, and therefore need the assistance of other women to give strength and motivation.
A Definite RoleThe work of the Muslim woman in the field of da'wah strengthens the man's work, and it expand it into areas where her effectiveness supersedes that of the man. It is sad that this role is so grossly overlooked and underestimated. By her nature as a spiritual and psychological comforter of man, the woman can play an important role in da'wah, for a man cannot - if his mind is preoccupied with works and goals- cope with his own problems, let alone undertake the burdens of giving da'wah. Many have failed on the path ofda'wah for this very reason. Khadija's comfort, help, and support of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, offer the greatest proof of the vital importance of this role. The Prophet's companions who left their homes to go places that were thousands of miles away to take the new religion to peoplealso had the support and the backing of their wives.

Very few women today understand or are aware of such a role, let alone carry it out. A woman may think that the marriage home is a place of rest and easy. They have yet to realize that marriage is the starting point of struggle, sacrifice, giving and responsibility.

The woman's role does not end at door. She can be greatly effective by being a good example to others, by being good-hearted, kindly spoken, and of friendly conduct. She can offer assistance, and share concerns as well as joys. She can also use all appropriate opportunities to educate, guide andcall others though observing the conditions of those whom she addresses.

Examples Are Needed Women, who understood their role, started educating themselves and achieving their rights to education and tarbiyah. Look at the hadeeth narrated by AbuSaeed that the women said to the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, "The men are keeping you busy and we do not get enough attention from you. Would you specify a day for us, women? He promised them a day to meet them and educate and admonish them." (Bukhari) The fruits of this understanding and concern by the women companions of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam,and the attention he gave them, are shining examples and a source of pride for Muslim women.

Here are a few more to ponder:

Here is Umm Sulaim teaching her son Anas Ibn Malik about Islam, even though her husband rejected Islam. When Abu Talha proposed to her (before accepting Islam) she told him that her dowry was Islam, he in-turn embraced Islam and she married him. She made her son Anas the servant of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam. Umm Hakeem was the reason behind her husband embracing Islam, and the aunt of Adi ibn Hatem led him to Islam. Amra, the wife of Habib Al-Ajami would wake up her husband to make salah at night. Asmaa, the daughter of Abu Bakr, forbade her son, Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair, to accept a demeaning way out to escape death although she was very old and needed him beside her.

If we move to a wider circle, we will find that Muslim women played a great role in sacrifice and service for the religion of Allah. Sumayyah gave up her life when Abu Jahl killed her for becoming a Muslim. She was the first Muslim, and woman, killed in Islam. Khadijah, the first wife of the Prophet, who was very rich, spent of her money to support the da'wah. Umm Salamah lefther husband and saw her children persecuted when she migrated. Umm Imarah fought in defense of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, in the Uhud battle. Tending the wounded in battles was the role Muslim Women played throughout history.

Building SUCCESSFUL Da'wah Programs

There are conditions that must be met for women's da'wah work to succeed and achieve its expected outcome. Many of the items in the following discussion are good to consider at all time, but it is always important to be in touch with the specific environment one is working with, study it and design all programs to fit the specific reality and needs.

First: Important Guidelines

The fact that we stress the importance of women's role in Islamic da'wah should not lead us away from keeping the women's creation, nature and priorities clear in mind. There are important points that should be used as guidelines when planning or doing da'wah work:
1- Typically, the woman's main role and job is at home. This is clearly stated in Qur'an and Hadeeth. Allah says, "And stay in your houses." [33:33] Of course women can go out for salah in the masjid, participate in any otheractivities she may need and to do da'wah. However, none of these activities should conflict with her essential duties at home as wife and mother. In many cases, it is this balance between the woman's essential duties and the requirements of da'wah work, that have caused problems and misunderstandings in families and communities. "Women may find ways to fulfill their da'wah obligations at home, such as engaging in office work for an Islamic organization, answering telephones, or any other number of possibilities,depending on the skills and interest of each woman, " she said.
2- There are special injunctions regarding women, and the mixing of men and women, that must be observed in any da'wah activity and under any circumstances:
a) Proper hijab between men and women must be observed at all times.
b) Women cannot travel without a male companion who is her mahram.
c) Women cannot intermix freely with men who are not directly related to her.
d) Women cannot exit from their homes except by permission of those who are in charge of them and care for them, i.e. their husbands or fathers.
3- The enemies of Islam usually exploit these injunctions and use them to defame Islam as demeaning to women. Some dou'at get affected by these allegations and they are thereby led to be lax and unmindful. The true dou'at guided by the Sunnah must watch out, lest they be affected by the lusts and whims of society.
4- Men have the original right in da'wah activities to take the lead as was the case in the age at the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, and the excellent generations that followed. Women's role in da'wah work is undeniable, provided the appropriate guidelines are adhered to.

Second: Objectives of the Program:

As the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, saw a need to set aside a specific time to address the needs of women in his community, so organizations should try to tailor their da'wah work to the women and issues of the communities. Any da'wah program directed towards women should strive to, at least, serve the following ends:

Strengthening the Emaan: This comes about by increasing worship, remembrance of Allah (thikr), and reflection on Allah's names, and His power and creation in ourselves and in the universe. There is great power in reflection. And its positive impact on one's heart and emaan is almost limitless. This however, would not be possible without the inculcation of the right understanding of certain issues related to our aqeedah; the emphasis has to be on Tawheed.
Increasing knowledge: Without it one cannot achieve much. Special emphasis has to be put on the basics of Islam and on subjects that the da'iyah needs in her environments. Knowledge should be spread about deviant thoughts, ideas, groups and sects. Awareness must be raised concerning those who do not like to see the spreading of Islam and who are gaining grounds in the hearts and minds of people.

Building of the da'wah personality: Da'wah requires sacrifices and therefore women must be prepared to bear the burdens of calling to Islam. This comes through awakening them to the conditions of the Muslims and the endeavors of the enemies of Islam. Leadership, responsibility and individual initiative should be taught. Theoretical and practical educational faculties must be nurtured. The da'iyah must be taught the necessary social skills and the importance of da'wah through good example and conduct. They also must be taught the value of time, its management and how to use halal fun activity during their times of leisure.

Building up immunity to sin: This includes recognizing the ills of sins, particularly those relating to women, and blocking the way to them by shunning the means leading to them and the places where they exist.

Third: Training A- On the theoretical side of this step, preparation may need to consider these aspects:
1- Educational preparation through providing a good presentation of appropriates materials. Islam gave women the rights to education. The knowledge meant to be attained, is that which is helpful to women in da'wah, like the shari'ah branches and the disciplines leading to understanding them. But seeking knowledge should not be a barrier to giving da'wah, as is the case with many today. Balance must be maintained.
2- Psychological preparation by ensuring that the women callers have faith inAllah sincerity, hopefulness, coverage in truth, pride in Islam, patience, and knowledge of the conditions and environments of those they are addressing. This is a very important aspect of preparedness, because the preacher is tied to the people, who have different characters and inclinations.
3- Social preparation by having the women da'iyat live an Islamic life in the family and society in a practical application of Islam. They should abide by the ethics of Islam and of the da'wah. Capping the elements of social preparation is the feeling that the da'wah is a right to all people that must reach them with sincerity, generality, honesty, gentleness and meekness.

B- Adequate practical training and preparation is must:

This involves training female callers in speaking and writing to be able to bring Allah's religion to the people through speeches, lessons, lectures, and writing. These are the methods of addressing people with the da'wah and they complete the theoretical preparation and ensure that it bears fruit. This aspect has largely been neglected resulting in severe shortcomings in the da'wah. Da'iyat delivering lectures, seminars, sermons, etc. should be able to persuade the listeners by addressing their minds through proofs and evidence. They should also be able to arouse their passions, emotions, and feelings. Those making speeches and addresses must be well versed in the art and its importance, and should also practice delivering speeches to women in mosques, schools, or other places where women gather. They should also watch over and guide women trainees, and gently correct their mistakes.

Writing and publishing must not be neglected in an age when people are easily reached by and engrossed in all sorts of books, booklets, newspapers, and articles. Writings should both be eloquent and convincing, through sincere, sound and documented arguments. Writing is the form of da'wah which is in many ways one of the most appropriate and important means for women. They can write at home and thus make use of their spare time. They can in this way reach all classes of society.

AREAS of Da'wah for WOMEN

The educational field: These are related to the ennoblement of the spirit and the purification of the soul through faith. The minds and souls can thus be touched. These fields are to be found in mosques, schools, associations, da'wah groups, and others.

The social field: These relate to bodily and psychological health as well as to social development and interaction between people that reflect positively on the realization of spiritual education and the formation of Muslim character.

Both sides, spiritual and physical, are tied together and they should both be fulfilled in balance. To give the upper hand to the soul would be asceticism, and to the body would be hedonism. Fulfilling the physical needs has often been cause for many people embracing the guidance of Islam. Preachers of Christianity today, concentrate on this approach. It is difficult for the hungry, the naked, or the sick and homeless to listen to sermons.

More specific example of what women can take part in as da'wah are:
1. The Home: This is surely the most fertile and most effective channel. Allah has ordained both husbands and wives as nurtures for each other and the family. The mother shares with the father the responsibilities of educating and nurturing in all physical, moral, psychological, social, and external aspects each other and their children. Members of the family are gathered together in the home for many hours and this creates harmony among them as well as affords an opportunity for presenting good examples and guidance.
2. The Muslim Community: Charity, advice, and direction can be offered to relatives, neighbors, and the needy.
3. The Islamic School: Educational activities and curriculums can be used for the guidance of girl students as well as women teachers and staff.
4. The Masjid: Women should be allowed to go to the masajid to benefit from the lessons held there. The masjid is a suitable place for some of the women activities like Qur'an study groups and other training.
5. Hospitals, Prisons, and Social Welfare Institutions, Women's Colleges or Universities. "Women-only conferences can also be incorporated into an already scheduled major conferences, thus providing them with someone to travel with," Dr. Hamdan says.
"Also, da'wah work can be done on an individual level; such as with friends, families, peers, particularly those who are not Muslims, "said Dr. Hamdan. "Many women who have converted to Islam have families who are non-Muslim and this is a prime, although challenging, opportunity to do da'wah work." What the Qur'an and Sunnah Said: Muslim Women, Callers and Called Certainly, the injunctions of Islam, from the Qur'an and the Sunnah, cover and apply to both males and females. Male pronouns were usually used mostly, only because that is the custom of the language. Nevertheless, there are certain injunctions that are exclusively meant for men. And at the same time, Allah has enjoined things upon women only. This shows that they have a character and a personality independent of men. This stresses the need to address women with the da'wah, education, reform, and guidance, in a way that is specific to them. They should not be ignored. It was on account of this that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, addressed women specifically, especially after addressing men, and that he fixed a special day of the week on which he taught them alone.

Qur'an tells us that man is responsible for his home and family, "O you who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are angel stern and severe," [66:6]. And the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, also said, "The man is a shepherd of his family and he is responsible for his guardianship." (Bukhari and Muslim) In another hadeeth, the Prophet's, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, told of a double reward for the man who teaches well, cultivates and then frees any female-slave he has. (Bukhari) This surely stresses the need for the education of and care for women. On the other hand, there are many evidences from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that testify to the fact that women are also obligated to do da'wah work:

1- There many verses in the Qur'an that obligate Muslim men and women to do da'wah, and enjoin good and forbid evil. For example, Allah says, "Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining good and forbidding evil. And it is they who are the successful." [3:104]
2- Women have been expressly addressed with the duty of the da'wah because Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says, "O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah) then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire, but say that which is Ma'roof (good)." [33:32] Ibn Abbas understood Allah's injunction to the Prophet's wives, to "say good," to mean that they have to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil. This can be taken as a general address to all Muslim women. Allah also says, "The believers, men and women are Auliya (helpers, protectors) of one another, they enjoin the good and forbid the evil, they perform salah and give away zakah and obey Allah." [9:71] It is clear in this verse that women are addressed with this task, just as men, whenever they are capable of discharging it. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The woman is a steward of her husband's home and children and she is responsible for them." A steward here is a person entrusted with what has been put in his charge, cherishing and preserving it.

Furthermore, the following points, when properly put into perspective, also lead to the understanding that women are as responsible for carrying out da'wah as men are:
a) Because Islam prohibits the free intermingling of men and women, and the maintenance of hijab, it becomes vital, as well as practical, to have qualified women to do da'wah work among women in the community.
b) Some of the shari'ah rulings were reported from the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, only through women companions.
c) Sometimes, it is difficult for the male-dou'at to carry out all that the da'wah among women requires because women have some private conditions that they may not feel comfortable revealing to men, and would rather convey them only to other women.

What We Sow We Reap

1. Banishing ignorance, increasing intellectual broad-mindedness, and the creation of qualified women da'wah cadres. These results have a lasting and beneficial influence, not only on women and the Muslim community, but also on the whole society at large.
2. Rectifying conduct and restitution of many erroneous practices that have come to be social phenomenon in many societies.
3. Da'iyat will develop maturity and show more disciplined characters. This in turn will result in stronger relationships between men and women.
4. Women's place and status in Islam would be highlighted and Muslim women would attain a better awareness of their rights and duties.
5. Efforts would be geared toward the cultivating of our young people, in order to ensure the Ummah, virtuous Muslims in the generations to come.
6. A sense of belonging to Islam would be fostered, and the key Muslim rite of enjoining good and forbidding the evil would be upheld.
7. An important financial tributary for da'wah work would be secured; i.e. women's charitable spending.

It is time that Muslims who profess to follow the Sunnah rethink the issue of dawah among women and by women. We should remember Khadijah, Aisha, Sumayyah, and many other Muslim women throughout our history, and what they did for Islam and learn from it. We also have to realize that mere talk and emotionalism are useless. We need to do something about our immediate situation now. Education, preparation, and qualification of women will be the key to our future success. Throughout history, the yardstick used to measure the well being of any society has been the condition of its women. Let us therefore, strive to improve the intellectual, spiritual and emotional condition of the Muslim woman by allowing her to fulfill all the God-given abilities and responsibilities made incumbent on her.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kind Treatment of Parents in Old Age

It is narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him (PBUH), repeated' "May he be humbled (or cursed)," three times. When he was asked to whom was he referring, he said, "The on who witnesses one or both parents live to old age, and does not enter Paradise (by not serving them and not treating them with ihsan)". (Muslim)

With the advancements in modern medicine and nutrition, more people are living longer now, then ever before. Because of this, Western societies are faced with the task of caring for more and more elderly people. About 2.2 million friends and relatives care for 1.6 million elderly loved ones in the United States. Those numbers can only increase, says Shirley O'Bryant, family relations researcher at Ohio State University. The number of adult children who must care for their elderly parents is also growing, she says. More than 80 percent of couples in their 50s and 60s today have at least one living parent, compared to less than 50 percent at the beginning of the century. "Also, today's young couples are having fewer children than in past generations," O''Bryant says. "Fever people have brothers and sisters with whom they'll be able to share the responsibility of their parent care." As life spans get longer, this problem will only become more prevalent.

"In the future, the major problem will be that many old adult children will need to provide care to their very old parents," O'Bryant said. "The age of the caregiver will bring on a whole new set of complications when they try to meet growing family obligations." In many societies today, these care-facilities for the elderly express the major fragmentation in the social and family fabric that has occurred over time and the wrong changes in values and life styles. These facilities which now are called "Senior Housing," have become the transitional place where old parents spend their last days before they are permanently moved into their graves. As for the children, they see it a fitting solution. They have to work hard during the day and need to get rest or have some fun in the evening. They have no time to spend with their old parents except on some occasions here and there. The days when the son would come home from work and go to check on his mother or father before he turns to his wife and children are gone.

As Muslims, it is not only a social obligation, but also it is our duty to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to care for our parents in their old age, as they cared for us in childhood. This is the least anyone can do for his parents and it is only appropriate in this regard to remember to saying, "Whatever you do to your parents your children will do to you."


When we look at the nature of the child's relationship to his mother we find it to be so unique that no other relationship could be compared to it. He manifests love to her before anybody else, if she goes away he calls her, if she ignores him he begs her, if he is need he asks for her help. He thinks that she has all the good, and believes that harm cannot reach him so long as she is protecting him. Allah, subhanahu wa ta' ala, says, "His mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his weaning is (or takes place) within two years." [30:14]

It is reported that the Prophet (PBUH) was asked by a man as to whom was most deserving friendly care and good companionship from him. The Prophet (PBUH) replied, "Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then your nearest relatives in order." (Bukhari and Muslin)

It is said that Owaiss ibn Aamer al-Qarni who lived in Yemen, believed in the Prophet (PBUH) before his death but could not come to Madinah to meet with him because he had to take care of his mother. Umar ibn al-Khattab said that he heard the Prophet (PBUH), say, "Owaiss ibn Aamer will come to you with the delegation of Yemen, he had leprosy but it is all gone except for a small part. He is very beneficent and dutiful to his mother and if he swore on Allah about something, Allah will fulfill it. If you could, ask him to pray to Allah for your forgiveness." (Muslim)

In the time of Uthman, the third khalifah, the price of dates became very expensive. During that time, people saw him extracting the juice from a date tree by incising the tree with a knife. The people surprisingly asked why he would destroy a tree that at that time was so costly. He replied that he was doing so to carry out the wish of his mother who had asked him to bring the juice for her. "How can I ignore the desire of my mother," he asked?

Through the majority of scholars have agreed that mothers enjoy greater rights than fathers, it does not mean that children should serve their mothers and ignore their fathers. As far as the respect and reverence is concerned, fathers are more deserving of these, and negligence toward fathers, is not the behavior of a true Muslim. For both of them nice behavior is emphasized. But it should be borne in mind that mothers are comparatively weaker in our society, and due to the greater services rendered by her, she more deserves to be comforted and treated nicely by the children.